
Wonderful Women Wall

A monument to women and their achievements. The goal of the wall paintings is to make the stories, life plans and social contributions of women visible. In doing so, we encourage people to learn more about the women’s biographies and their ideas and give them more appreciation.

Public space is dominated by depictions of successful and influential men. In contrast, images of women are used as advertising space and decorative elements. The “Wonderful Women Walls” address this imbalance and aim to increase the presence of images and names of successful women in urban space.

The project brings attention to the achievements of female artists, musicians, athletes, scientists, and politicians, and inspires viewers of the murals to learn more about the depicted women and their work. While the theme and goal of the designs remain the same, the individual walls of the project are diverse in their visual language – so at any location in any city, a new “Wonderful Women Wall” can be created at any time to fit its location and help represent locally or internationally significant women.