Our plan was to design a low-threshold workshop with low-cost and sustainable materials. We wanted to simply engage in conversation with the children and youth from the neighborhood during the workshop and not be distracted by overly complex fabrication processes.

We are very pleased with how the workshop went. Our choice fell on old CDs as the main medium. After a small appeal via social media we got hundreds of CDs as a gift, additionally some wire and as a basis rabbit fence and already we had our materials for this workshop. The participants talked to us about music, school, the and the neighborhood. Meanwhile, their favorite hits were playing and the atmosphere on this summer day was wonderful.

After we tied about 10 meters of disco curtain together, we hung 2 lanes and put a DJ booth in the middle. A professional DJane then put on music, the participants had the technology explained to them a little more closely, and attracted by the music, more people came strolling in.
Satisfied, we marveled at our day’s work, danced, drank lemonade, and rejoiced at how beautifully we had designed a shopping arcade in the middle of Halle-Neustadt.